Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Association of Animals in Mental and/or Physical Mediumship

BAT: (Eastern)  Vibratory rate that makes it helpful for psychic 

BEAR: (Native American) Vibratory rate that allows messages to come through in dreamtime.

BLACKBIRD:  (Britain)  Used by Etheric World to carry psychic messages to Earth entities.

BUFFALO POWERS:  (Native American)  Worshipped for its psychic energy.  Acts as an Etheric World guide to bring psychic information to man to protect him.

CHAYOTH:  (Hebrew)  Considered holy, sacred in psychic rapport with man.

DEER:  (Scotland)  Ability to communicate between the Etheric World and Mankind.  Every part of the deers body has medicinal purposes.  Antlers ward off negative vibes and can store psychic energy.

DOG-GHOST:  Etheric energy in the form of a dog assigned to each human as a means of protection during each incarnation.  (A Totem Animal)

DOVES:  Noted for their ability to send psychic messages to humans.

DRAGON:  (Ancient)  Believed to be one of the four most important spiritual creatures.

DRAGONFLY:  (Asian - Japan, Native American - Plains Region)  A symbol  of
transformation, good luck, harmony, strength and peace.  It brings joy and is a connection with Nature's spirits and the fairies realm

EAGLE:  (Egypt)  Considered to be a deity, linked psychically with the invisible powers of the sky, sun, and Etheric World.
                   (Native American)  Belief that energy flows from Totality through the Eagle who frequently acts as a guide.  Power that emanates from its body, feathers and claws is held sacred.

FISH:  (Piscean Age)  Symbol of Jesus

FENG-HWANG:  A Native Spirit in the form of a bird that expresses the element of fire for humans to use.  It works, lives and has its being in Fire.  It is the most exalted of the four most important spiritual creatures.  It was used as an emblem in primitive culture, bears on its body the characteristics for virtue, righteousness, humanity sincerity and integrity.  Feng is male, Hwang is female.  It presents the balance of the negative and positive energies of the feminine and masculine.

OWL:  Associated with psychic powers due to the facial features, eyes, screams, and nocturnal nature.

     (Semitic)   Felt to be ominous
     (Persia)     The Angel of Death
     (Greece)    The Goddess of Night
     (Rome)      To ward off strangers and to combat the  evil eye.
     (Africa)      Associated with sorcery.

PEACOCK:  A bird honored in the psychic field because of its alchemical traits...eats poisons and transmutes them into a beautiful array of large iridescent feathers.  
     (Hinduism)  Has the properties that cure disease and dispel poison, feathers are displayed in homes to ward off evil.

RAVEN:  (Native American, Northwest Pacific)  An Etheric World entity temporarily taking on the form of a bird, works with and for the earthly Indian.  Used as a psychic tool, capable of knowing what is going on in a distant area and reporting to its master.  

ROBIN:  (Britain)  A bird that is associated with blood, death, and fire because of it red breast; noted for its desire to cover up the dead with a pile of moss and for carrying water to put out fires.

ROOK:  A bird used to predict oncoming weather and human affairs of the country; made possible because the repetition on its performances, for the same set of conditions, does not vary over the years.

SWALLOW:  Bird with vibrational frequency that helps heal sickness.

TIGER:  Changes shape and form.

TROUT:  A supernatural fish capable of communicating with man.  Held sacred by many cultures.  Known as "trout of the well" or guardian of the Nature Spirits of the well.

TORTOISE:  Considered to be one of the four most important spiritual creatures.

UNICORN:  A Nature Spirit that can change dimensions to the physical world, has the energy to live in the physical vibration for many months.  Considered to be one of the four most important spiritual creatures.

     It combines male and female in one beast.

     The one-horn beast designates supreme power and has been symbolized as a Ram, Goat, Bull, Bull, Fish, Antelope, Ass or Horse, all using the single horn.  It is the strength associated with single-pointedness.

      In Alchemy, it represents Mercury as a male-female  element necessary to the accomplishment of humanity's inward victory over darkness.

     The Unicorn's most vital function has been a symbol for a combination of the opposites...the male horn, the female body, representing the Soul-Mind as the spark of divine light in the darkness of matter.

WOLF:  (Rome)  A fruitful source of augury used for good and evil  (Augury is to receive messages through the use of things of nature.)

WHALE:  (Metaphysics)  Personifies the great cosmic force of the Universe.  Its mouth represents the gateway to the Etheric World and the belly represents the internal regions.  It is capable of changing size and shape.

Two of the Facts of Life I always stressed to my students to remember:

You Are Always in Control


Free Will Is A Universal Constant

Random Aspects of Mediumship

If we are fortunate, there will always be new theories and/or concepts on mediumship and especially the aspects of healing for us to explore.  The posts I have given you in this blog are designed basically to introduce the beginning seeker to some of the varied energies that surround us.    If you should find yourself becoming more open to receiving and internalizing new thought possibilities, a whole new landscape will unfold for you.  A search for more knowledge and experience can be done solo,  but I would suggest you find a good Development Group or Reiki Healing Circle and get started.

In this Mediumship post I am including a few aspects which are a combination of Mental and Physical Mediumship and several connected aspects that stand on their own.


Psychic Healing encompasses all forms of "unorthodox" healing methods and therapies that use a psychic principle.

Spiritual Healing encompasses any type of healing carried on in a Church or religious gathering or by a Practitioner who learned the healing technique in a spiritual setting.

Below is a brief list of several different forms of Healing:

  Suggestive Therapeutics:

     By a "Healer"
     By a "Practitioner"  (Christian Science, New Thought, etc.)
     By hypnotic suggestion.

  Laying on of hands: 

     Faith Healing
     Divine Healing
     Power Healing
     Reiki (include the several different forms)

  Magnetic Healing:

     Passes, either by a Healer or by Spirit controlling the Medium

 Proxy or Absent Healing:  (at distant healing)

(Note here...we had a Healing Group that met once a week on Thursday evening. We worked as a combined healing energy and also worked as an individual.  The individual healings were done in the circle with one healer working on one individual.  When all of the individual hearings had been done, the group began its work on the at-distant requests for healing that had been received.  Many of these requests came from individuals living in other countries.  We received inspiring feed back from them with the results of our work.  Most gratifying to be able to help,)

  Color, Music, or Toning

  Aura Reading and balancing

MAGIC:  (Gr...Zoroaster:  magein, "great, the great science and religion")

A system of concepts, incantations, ceremonies, symbols, rituals, etc. to stimulate the more subtle forces of nature to obey requests or demands.

  Homeopathic or Imitative Magic, (the symbol of a thing is the thing)  i.e., healing someone by sending energy to a picture of that person.

  Contagious Magic (West Africa),  Using  something (fingernail, hair, clothing, etc.) that belongs to an individual in order to contact or influence that individual

Two of the basic laws of Magic are:  (hermetic):  "As above, so below" and "Respect nature and have control over it".

MYSTICISM:  (Gr..mustico, "hidden wisdom", muepo, "to initiate")

A direct communion with the Ultimate Reality.  A belief that spiritual truth (knowledge of God or the Divine) can be attained through intuition or illumination that is totally removed from ordinary sense perception.  The belief in mysticism is the belief in a supreme, all-pervading power.

SHAMAN:  (Medicine Man - He or She who knows)

Shamanism is a range of traditional beliefs and practices that involve the ability to diagnose, cure, and cause change.  These traditions have existed throughout the world since prehistoric times and are thought to predate all organized religions.  Shamans are said to interpret dreams, utilize astral projection and travel to upper and lower worlds.  They are sometimes referred to as Witch Doctor but Medicine Man is preferred.

Today, Shamanism survives primarily among indigenous peoples.  Shamanic practice continues in the tundras, jungles, deserts, and other rural areas.  It is once again being seen in cities, town, suburbs and shantytowns all over the world.

(Note here...Recently efforts have been made to establish a link between Shamanic practice and knowledge with Western scientific beliefs.  It has been proposed that shamans attempt to take their consciousness down to the molecular level to work with DNA.  This action, "holomovement theory" is being perceived as creating a scientific foundation for such new age concepts as parallel worlds and alternative means to traverse time and space.)


A doctrine that one can see into the Invisible World and can train him/herself to communicate with the Life Force to learn the laws of the invisible world to bring healing into being.


ANPSI:  (abbr..Animal Psychism)

This deals with an animal's innate ability to communicate with other animals, humans, plants, minerals and other aspects of nature.


A super-normal appearance which suggests the actual presence of a person, living or dead.  Apparitions usually appear with a warning of impending danger or death of someone closely connected to the recipient.  It usually delivers an urgent message of extreme danger, worry, illness or death.

DEJA VU:  (Fr..."already seen)

That sense of familiarity associated with a current scene and/or the feeling of having "lived through" the same sequence of events in an identical manner at some previous time.

     Psychology states:  the Sub-Conscious Mind, working faster than the Conscious Mind, perceives what is happening and quickly relates it to the Conscious Mind.

     Parapsychology states:  to meet an individual or visit a location that one has visited or met in a previous incarnation or to experience the same "emotional sensations" from a situation or person that one experience in another lifetime or the past of this lifetime.

     Hans Holzer observed that:  "A person has an impression about a situation, a place or a person precognitively.  When the actual event becomes an objective reality, it all comes back in a sudden flash.  You realize that you have seen the situation before, but at the time you first saw it, you didn't realize that you did.  The original impression was on the  unconscious level.  It is as if you had made a prediction, had forgotten all about having made it, and when the event occurred, realized you had made that prediction and then recalled it".


     Associated with:     places, persons, or families
     Occurring:             periodically, spasmodically
     Caused by:            poltergeists, thought forms

MINPSI:  (abbr...Mineral Psychism)

The ability of stones, gems and minerals to communicate with their environment, plants, animals and humans.

Minerals are attuned to auras, possessed with sensibilities and powers to be governed by sounds and the mind and emotions of humans.

They bear some relationship to gravity, electricity and magnetism and possess similar chemicals as the human body.

Stay tuned to hear about The Association of Animals in Mediumship...

Monday, July 14, 2014

More Aspects of Physical Mediumship

POLTERGEIST: (German...polite - “noisy or racket:, geistg - “spirit”)

A noisy playful, discarnate Soul-Mind from the Etheric Realm that manipulates physical objects. It desires attention and draws attention by either mischievous, harmful acts or playful, kind acts.

Poltergeist activity usually centers around an individual called the “focus person”. This person is most often an adolescent who is psychologically disturbed, sometimes even mentally challenged. It appears that some sort of psychokinetic force is generated by the unconscious emotional conflicts the child may be enduring. Some very technical minds seek to explain by stating that the disturbed mind creates heat and the poltergeist, through some occult talent, is able to transform that heat into kinetic energy and undirected impulses and then send those vibrations out in random disarray.

They do things like turn lights on and off pull hair, yank bedclothes off, rip clothing, cause things to disappear and reappear, lock and unlock doors, rattle dishes, etc. This phenomena is evidently produced for the express purpose of attracting attention and being annoying. They are not normally malicious acts and rarely inflict injury.

A good cleansing with sage (indoors and out), which is an old tradition attributed to Native Americans, to rid the space of unwanted negative energy and replace it with clean, positive energy is recommended. This is sometimes called “smudging” or “house blessing”.

RAPS: (Percussion)

To produce sounds without any physical means. Can come from chairs, tables, within walls, etc. A code can be established between Spirit and the Medium(s) for “yes” and “no” answers. At times, Spirit will rap simply to let you know it is near.

SPIRIT and PSYCHIC PHOTOGRAPHY: (First documented by William Mumler [1832-1994] photographer in 1861)

This includes all types of unconventional photography or normal photography that produces extras. To capture, on photographic film or plate, something not in the visible range of the human extra face, (perhaps that of a deceased person) or lights, words, or objects. It is frequently used to prove that the human personality survives physical death.

(Note here...The Reverend Eleanor Button, Pastor of The Chapel of Prayer in Houston, was well known for her “magical” camera. She had albums of pictures that displayed objects, colors, etc. that were very definitely “extras”.)


Receiving answers from Spirit by means of a table which thumps in response to questions presentefd. Those participating place their hands or fingertips lightly near the edge of one side of the table (usually three people) and chant “table up” in union, willing one side of the table to raise off the floor. When the table has raised and is balancing on two legs the participants ask questions that can be answered “yes”or “no” and the table will rap on the floor once for “yes” and twice for “no” in response.

(Note here: This is very popular at parties. We used to play it often and usually had six to eight tables all rapping at the same time. Noisy, but fun and a great tension reliever for the players.)


The foremost example of Thoughtography is the work of Dr. Jule Eisenbud (1909-1999) with the subject, Ted Serios (1918-2006). Serios would take a Polaroid Land Camera, point it at himself, snap the shutter and produce a picture of a building or something that could be identified. With his extraordinary powers of mind, Serios was able to gaze at a picture and then imprint that picture on film. He was also able to make a photographic impression of a target picture which was enclosed in a sealed envelope.


Changes in the appearance of the face and/or body of one who is channeling or sitting in a development circle. It can be the face of a guide, deceased love one or a past-life identity.


The belief that the Astral Body can be molded into various forms when it is separated from the Physical Body. It can take on the form of an animal and to perceive the world through the eyes and mind of the animal.

Shape-Changing: to physically alter the appearance and size of one's physical body and/or face with the help of Spirit. To become an inert object, perform a task, and return to normal...sometimes referred to as “out-of-body” experience.

Shape-Shifting: (Tibet-Celtic) psychically transform into an animal, fish or bird and be able to perform as that animal, fish or bird would. This form can be maintained for long periods of time.

An interesting bit of information I came across several months ago is that there is an ancient Egyptian text which referred to Jesus thusly: “He does not have a single shape but his appearance changes. Sometimes he is ruddy, sometimes he is white, sometimes red....” shape-changer??

Stay tuned for more good stuff on the many aspects of mediumship.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Aspects of Physical Mediumship

Physical Mediumship (objective...being the object of perception of thought: belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject.)  involves the manipulation and/or transformation of physical systems and/or energies.  It is a sharing of time, space and energy between the Medium and the Spirit.

The Physical Medium offers the Spirit Operator vital, magnetic energy which it requires to make a direct impact upon the Earth Plane.  Since this form of Physical mediumship is relatively rare in occurrence and since it requires a tremendous expenditure of vital energy, if proper control is not maintained the Medium may "burn out" at an early age.  (Some Mediums have the ability to offer a materializing substance which the Spirit Operator can use for the purpose of manifestation.  This is called Ectoplasm.  We are not going to explore Ectoplasm at this time.)

PSYCHOKINESIS:  (PK)   Mind concentration...mind over matter.  The production of motion in physical objects by the exercise of psychic or mental powers.  (Uri Geller is perhaps the best known medium who possesses psychokinetic powers.)

The ability to affect objects and the material course of events by changing the form, position or elements of an energy field with the Conscious and Sub-Conscious Mind, without the use of the motor system (glands and muscles) of the body.

PK is the counterpart of ESP.  Together they make up the communication or exchange that a person may have with his surroundings in the form of experiences that are called "psychic".  This communication is better known as Parapsychical or PSI behavior and the study is called Parapsychology or Psychical Research.

The theory of PK states that "the world and everything in it is made and held together by man's thoughts, which give it form and energy".

PK is usually grouped into three categories:
     1. change, move or alter external objects and living organisms other than human
     2. change, move, or alter the cells or chemistry of a human body.  (Alchemy, Radionics, Magnetic Healing, etc.)
     3. change, move, or alter the properties or chemistry of nature.  Healing plant life, moving or dissolving clouds, etc.

TELEKINESIS:  (TK)  (Gr...tele, "over a distance", kinesis, "movement")  Phenomena performed by Spirit to move and manipulate matter.  The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means.

The ability to change position, form or elements of third dimensional matter, performed by Spirit, through a Medium in semi or deep trance.

In Telekinetic Psychism, the Medium is usually not aware of what is happening while it is happening.  He/she has programmed the movements or changes before going into trance.

TK is usually grouped into the two categories of non-human and human.

ALCHEMY:   (Ancient Khem, "a mixture to create a mixture", qem, "black mud of the Nile")  (Latin:  "all composition").

The alteration of the structure of an object to another vibrational frequency by mind power and mind control, i.e., to change structure and cause mutation and transmutation in matter, substance, energy and life itself.

The ability to change bare metals to gold and by using this same process, transform one's state of consciousness to a point where the alchemist can dematerialize his purified body and, at will, go from Etheric World Plane to Plane.


Any living or inert object that appears from the air.  This can happen with or without the will of a Medium.  These objects are usually small...stones, flowers,, birds or live animals and plants.  Penetration of matter, such as walls, closed doors or windows, etc., is not an obstacle.  The objects may occasionally feel hot when touched. 


To allow or to will Spirit to use part or all of one's body for automatic deep trance.

The body of the Medium is guided to each of these forms of Physical Mediumship.  If done in a Cabinet situation, Spirit will manifest a hand to use the typewriter or the telegraph key.  (Spirit has been known to rap out a message in Morse Code without the use of a telegraph key.)

Another example of Automatism is the Ouija Board.  It is a printed board which contains the letters of the alphabet, the number one through nine, a Yes and a No, Good-bye and a pointed planchette.  The people working the Board will place their fingertips lightly on the planchette which will move across the board spelling words, giving fates or numbers, answering "yes" or "no" questions.

(Little side note here...One of the aunts that I lived with as a small child had one of the boards.  While some of the ladies in town had their bridge parties each week she, and the neighbor ladies,  had their "Ouija" party  Scared me pretty good on more than one occasion.)


The Spirit entity will communicate by using the Medium's vocal cords to bring forth messages.  It occurs in or out of a séance, but usually with a Medium who is in deep trance.


The Spirit entity will communicate directly, independent of the Medium.  In a séance  situation  a trumpet is sometimes used for voice amplification.

Direct is a term used for an isolated voice resounding in space without any visible source.

DOWSING:   (A form of Radiesthesia)  refer to Pendulum

To psychically receive answers to questions in one's mind from a rod or pendulum held in the hands.

The use of a "divining rod", a forked rod or branch, usually of witch hazel, which, when held loosely in the hands is said to bend slightly when over a site where water, oil or minerals are situated.

(My uncle, in 1936 on a farm in Iowa, and a few of his neighbors dowsed for our new well.   They found a great spot for the new well and it proved to be an excellent dowsing.)


To raise or elevate one's self or an object into the air for a time without the use of physical means.  It is willed and accomplished by concentration of the Sub-Conscious Mind and/or Guides.

This is accomplished by:

     *   Neutralizing or reversing the attraction of gravity in the Medium, Psychic or object.

     *   Changing the auric field of the object until the vibrational frequency changes and            
           the arms seem weightless (anti-matter).

     *   Many guides of the Medium lifting the Medium or object.

This phenomena is also associated with raising of tables on which several people may be sitting, by the Medium or Mediums placing their finger tips lightly upon the table and willing it to rise.

(In one of our Development Circles, at Spirit of Allemeth in the early 1980s, we experimented with levitation by having one of the Circle participants stand in an open area and two of us would  place our fingers lightly on the shoulders and two under their arms.  We were successful in two out of four attempts.  We only managed to levitate them a few inches off the floor but we did it.  We were thrilled.)

PENDULUM:  (A Radiesthesia tool)

A Pendulum can be made with a string or chain and a balanced, weighted object attached to one end.  The other end of the Pendulum is held between the thumb and index finger.  It is used to communicate between the Sub-Conscious Mind and the force fields around any object in the Universe.  It is used for personal questions, diagnosing disease, finding missing  objects or persons, detecting ghost energy fields, measuring the energy of food and other objects. ( I, personally, use a Pendulum with an amethyst crystal as the weight.)   

Small pendulums are now used in dowsing, radiesthesia and related divination systems.  The pendulum is asked questions that are phrased so answers can be given by either a clockwise or counterclockwise swing of the pendulum.  The Pendulum is usually programmed to swing clockwise for a yes and counterclockwise for a no.

Dowsing, (often called "water witching") is a method of divination for discovering water, metals and minerals, in or under the ground.  It is also used to discover inanimate objects, missing persons, and even to find lost keys.  Sometimes the dowser does not physically go to the location in question.  A map of the location is brought to him and he sets up a  number of small pendulums over the map which assist him in answering the inquirer's questions.  This procedure is known as tele-dowsing, indicating that there is the establishment of a telepathic link between the location in question and the map.  Prospectors have been using this in their search for gold for a number of years.

Dowsing is distinguishable from radiesthesia because Dowsing used for medical diagnosis is permitted in Europe and Great Britain but prohibited in the United States.  (my first introduction to the Pendulum was from my Chiropractor, Dr. Reba Willis, in Los Angeles in 1964 before my youngest son was born.  She and her husband were two of the first Chiropractors in California and had been arrested and thrown in jail on a number of occasions because they practiced Chiropractic.  She used the pendulum to select supplements and also to locate spinal problems.   She was an incredible lady!)

Dowsing dates back about 7,000 years.  It is known to have been practiced among the Egyptians and Chinese.  During the Middle Ages it was used extensively in Europe to discover coal and water.

Martin Luther condemned the practice as witchcraft which was equated to Devil-worship.  Dowsing practices, however, continued as a form of divination until the 19th century when science cast a dim light on it by proclaiming it invalid, "occult".

Within this past century dowsing has been applied in archaeological and geological work. Some dowsers are so sensitive that they can predict the depth at which the well or reservoir lies underground and the amount of water or material that it is capable of supplying.  In 1930 the term "radiesthesia" was coined by Abbe Bouly in France where the rod gave place to the small pendulum used as an indicator.

The current practice of using radiesthesia, in the detection of illnesses and prescribing their treatment, subtle indications from the pendulum's oscillations are obtained by placing the pendulum either over the area that is afflicted or over a "witness".  The "witness" can be a sample of hair, saliva, blood or a picture.

There is considerable literature on the subject of radiesthesia which endorses the reliability of the phenomena.  Well worth investigating further.

More aspects of Physical Mediumship to follow...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

More Mental Mediumship Aspects

EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION:  (commonly referred to as the "sixth sense".)

ESP is the concept that sensory information can be received from other than the ordinary five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.  Because it appears to originate in a second or alternate reality, it can provide information of the present, past and future.

Sir Richard Burton used the term "ESP" in 1870.   A French researcher Dr.Paul Jones, used the term in 1892 to describe the ability of a person who had been hypnotized and was in a trance state to externally sense things without using their ordinary senses.

 In 1892, the Society for Psychical Research was founded in London, and the first recorded systematic study of ESP was conducted.

Dr. Rudolph Tischner, a Munich ophthalmologist in the 1920s, used ESP in describing the "externalization of sensibility."

J. R. Rhine, at Duke University in 1930, was the first to experiment with the ESP cards.  The ESP cards consist of a deck of 25 cards that contain five different symbols.  There are five cards which contain a circle, five that contain a plus sign, five that contain a square, five that contain a five point star and five that contain a set of 3 wavy lines.  The cards are shuffled so that the symbols are randomly arranged in the deck.  The cards are turned, one at a time, and called by the subject in the experiment.  The likelihood of calling a card correctly by chance is one in five.  Rhine argued that when his subjects made high scores that could be expected, by chance, only once in a thousand times, the subject displayed ESP ability.

PRECOGNITION:  (Parapsychology:  J.B. Rhine, Duke University)

The ability to perceive a "non-thought" or experience a "gut-feeling" a future event without the aid of sensory clues or inference.  (One of the three aspects of E.S.P)

J. B. Rhine:  "A psychic awareness of the objective probabilities relating to the future state of a system".


A vague feeling of anxiety, uneasiness or anticipation that something is going to happen.  Unable to put finger on just what is going to happen  nor obtain any vivid details.  It differs from Precognition in that with Precognition, the Medium is aware of what is going to happen and can usually describe the events clearly. 

PROPHECY:  (Gr.  Speaking before)  (Ancient - a collective word meaning Psychic Message)

The foretelling or prediction of national or world events or figures, weather conditions, civilization in general or other large units (as opposed to personal events).  The predictions or prophecies can be warnings or pleasant news.  They usually come true because they deal with the Mass Karma and involve changes on a large scale  (usually deals with attitudes).
Prophecy pertains to the contents of the psychic information, not the method of perception.  Some Prophetic skills include:  casting of lots, clairvoyance, clairsentience, astrology, scrying, etc

PSYCHOMETRY:  (Coined by Dr. J. Rhodes Buchanan, 1842)  (Gr.  psyche, "soul", metron, "measure")  Soul Measurement or Object Reading.

The ability to psychically obtain information, through the palms of one's hands, by touching or handling an object.  The vibrations of the objects come through the Sympathetic Nervous System to the brain where they are interpreted.  The article can be held against the forehead or the Solar Plexus for clearer interpretation.

Psychometry has been used in the field of criminology quite successfully by Peter Hurkos, Gerard Croiset and Lottie Van Strahl, to mention a few.

Dr. J. Rhodes Buchanan (1814-1899) stated that psychometry was a science and he believed that "everything that has ever existed, every object, scene, event that has occurred since the beginning of the world has left on the ether or astral light a trace of its being...not only on the ether but likewise on more palpable objects...trees, stones, and all manner of things."  This impression will never be erased during what is considered as time.  This is why so many have closely related the study of psychometry to the Akashic Records.  (Lewis Spencer, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 1960, p 333)

Mrs Hester Drowden, a famous medium, defined psychometry as "a psychic power possessed by certain individuals which enables them to divine the history of, or events connected with, a material object with which they come into close contact."

     Practical Psychometry:  (Regarding the owner of an object)
          Tuning into an extension of the individual through the psychometrist's hands to the individual's Sub-Conscious Mind.  Personal items that belong to the individual, such as eye-glasses, wristwatches, rings, etc. which are worn daily, are more easily read because emotional vibrations impregnate, more deeply, those items that one wears or handles.
     Pure Psychometry:  (Regarding a random object or area)
          To Psychically measure or evaluate an object or area through the hands.  The object could reveal where it came from, age, etc.  The area could reveal events that had taken place and people who had been in the area.

Psychometry is presently practiced in many Development Circles.  It is done with crystals, other stones and personal items.  The person, with eyes shut, takes an item in her or his hand.  Carefully feeling the item the individual tries to visualize its shape, texture, and color.  Along with these physical features the person tries to reach an intuitive connection with the stone through which feelings and  impressions are received from the stones.  When done within a group these inspirations may be shared with others.

The ability to perceive the past and past events in this life or another life, without the aid of any record or from the memory of living persons through clairvoyance, clairsentience or clairaudience.  (One of the three aspects of E.S.P.)

SCRYING: (from the Old English word "descret" which means "to make  out dimly" or "to reveal")  (Antiquity - Seeing)

Scrying is the ancient act of divination for the purpose of clairvoyance.  It is usually achieved by concentrating on or staring at an object that has a clear, shiny surface until a vision appears.  The surface may be clear water, polished mirrors, stainless steel, etc.  Some of the reasons Scrying is used are to see into the future, find lost objects and or person.

Witches were known to Scry in a magic circle to protect from outside influences distorting the visions.  Most diviners work at night to avoid the excessive psychic vibrations that are generated during the confusion of daylight hours.   More often than not, the visions are symbolic and the Scryer must be trained in interpreting their meanings.

    Crystal Ball Gazing:  (1,000 B.C.)
          See objects or actions, removed in time or space from natural vision.  Psychic should be in an Alpha State.  Material must be placed around the Crystal Ball so that the light comes in at an angle.  As the psychic concentrates on the Crystal Ball, a vision will begin with a white cloud which will gradually lift to reveal an answer to the question asked.
          To clairvoyantly see one's guides, past incarnations (by change in facial features), deceased loved ones, or one's own aura. 

TALK-IN-TONGUES:  (Christianity - Glossolalia)

To make rapid, incoherent utterances, in a language that may be foreign to the planet or to the country.  These utterances can be interpreted by someone in the congregation who purportedly understands the language spoken.  This usually occurs in a light trance state that has been brought about by a charismatic or evangelical service.  Some believe the speaker has received the Holy Spirit.  It is also believed that the information that is received is far beyond the comprehension of the speaker or those hearing the speaker and is composed of Universal or Cosmic Truths.

TELEPATHY:  (Coined by F.W.H. Myers, a founder of the Society of Psychical Research in England)  (Future Science)  (Gr.  Tele, "distance", pathos, " feel afar") 

Communication between minds (or spirit to spirit) by some means other than sensory perception.  Many times it comes into action in a crisis situation, particularly if close family members or close friends are involved. This communication can occur in the form of a thought, a feeling, an emotional state, a symbol or in the form of an actual inner-dialogue of conversation.

W. Brugh Joy (author of "Joy's Way"):  "One does not have to think in images or symbols.  Language is automatically translated into essential thought and re-translated into the outer language of the person having the telepathic impress:  a natural form of communication".

Every thought is said to generate vibrations or images in the aura of the Mental Body.  These vibrations or images are surrounded by the plastic-like energy of the Astral Place which molds around the images to reproduce the theme of the thought.

These molded thought-forms are nonphysical entities which exist in either the Mental or Astral Plane.  They are usually seen by clairvoyants, and may be intuitively sensed by others.

Annie Besant (1847-1933) and C.W. Leadbeater, both Theosophists and Clairvoyants, placed thought-forms in three classifications:
     1)  The image of the thinker.
     2)  An image of a material object associated with the thought.
     3)  An independent image expressing the inherent qualities of the thought.  Thoughts which are of a low nature, such as anger, hate, lust, greed, and so on, create thought-forms which are dense in color and form.  Thoughts of a more spiritual nature tend to generate forms possessing a greater purity, clarity and refinement.

It is possible to direct thought-forms to another person, but in order  that it be effective, the thought-forms must attach onto a similar vibration in the recipient's aura.  If that energy is non-existent the thought-forms can bounce back to the sender.

Although the strength and clarity of the original thought determines the life-span, strength and the distance the thought-form will travel, thought-forms have the capability to assume their own energy and give the appearance of intelligence and independence.  Thought-forms that are equally strong can disperse them or they may disintegrate when their purpose has been accomplished.

Thought-forms can occur from individuals or from "group minds" such as a football team, a group of employees, a crowd of demonstrators, or any close-knit working group.  Usually, if and when the group disbands, the power of the group-mind dissipates also.

TRANCE CHANNELING:  (An altered state of consciousness)

Channeling is the process of communicating with spirits or entities, either telepathically or by direct spirit-to-body contact, who have either inhabit ed a body but now don't or those who claim never to have inhabited a body. Trance is a state of sleep or unconsciousness that is either self-induced or induced by another (as through hypnosis or suggestion).

  Light Trance or Conscious Trance:
          The medium is receptive, but remains conscious and directs own psychism at will.
     Semi or altered state of consciousness Trance:
          This Medium works in a semi-conscious state, under partial control, but still aware of what is occurring.
     Deep Trance:  (Dead-Trance or Cataleptic Clairvoyance)
          The Medium is attended by two "controls" (one physical, one etheric) who make the connection between the Medium's body and spirit.  The "etheric control" maintains order, relaying messages to the sitters through the Medium, making sure that any garbled or obscure messages are understood.  The "physical control" makes sure that the Medium is undisturbed by those sitting for messages.
      Spirit Control is a term used primarily in trance mediumship which refers to the specific Spirit Communicator or Spirit Operator who controls the consciousness of the Medium during the condition of trance.
      Spirit Guide:
           This is a teacher and/or guardian, in spirit, who is with the medium throughout his/her entire lifetime.  The primary role of this spirit is to help teach and inspire the medium and to give assistance in the process of the development of mediumship.
       Spirit Controller:
           This is a friend and teacher, in spirit, whose primary purpose is to take care of and protect the medium while he/she works as a channel for spirit.  The Spirit Controller helps control the energy field of the medium, the sitters and any communicating spirit.  The Spirit Controller may or may not be the same individual as the Spirit Guide.


That pretty much wraps up the descriptive information on Mental Mediumship that I have to share with you at the moment.  The next post will deal with Physical Mediumship.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Aspects of Mental Mediumship

For those of you who have an interest in the olde-tyme mediumship, I would like to share some of the pertinent information which I have gathered during my years in the Metaphysical arena.  My little bank of knowledge has been attained through years of research, through personal experience and from association with some incredibly talented psychics and mediums and healers.

Consider this posting as an introduction to the realm of the psychic and the medium.  If you find you would like to develop one or more of these abilities find a sitting development class or a Spiritualist or New Age Church and hop to it.

We will look at the individual Mental and Physical Mediumship forms and a few that are comprised of a combination of the two.  You will undoubtedly come to the realization, as you travel down this road, that you have experienced a number of them and you may find you want to hone the related ability.  

So...lets begin this exploration into Mediumship with the many aspects of Mental Mediumship.

Mental (subjective...existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought)   which takes place within the consciousness of the Medium and is expressed verbally.  (Mental Mediumship is sometime referred to as Telepathic Mediumship which is the relaying of information, via thought, without using any of the five physical sense.)

A Mental Medium allows Spirit to communicate through her/him to present information, channel energy, or for the purpose of manifestation in some form.  This form of communication will involve the cooperation between a live person, the Medium or Channel on the Earth Plane, and the Spirit Communicator or Operator who is in Spirit on the Astral or Etheric Plane.  (The Communicator is a Spirit who uses the serves of a Mental Medium to communicate with someone on the Earth Plane, either verbally or visually and the Operator is a Spirit who uses the services of a Physical Medium to manipulate energy or energy systems).

CLAIRAUDIENCE:  (Fr...Clear-audio/clear-hearing)  [a form of Clairvoyance]

This is the ability to perceive sounds (music, bells, etc.) or to receive information or messages through auditory impressions or "hearing voices".  These sounds and/or impressions register in the Pineal Gland and process as normal hearing.  Clairaudience is  easiest perceived in Alpha State.  It is associated with the Throat Chakra.

     Objective Clairaudience:
          To hear sounds that appear to come from the atmosphere or environment (nature), i.e., the sound of grass growing, a flower opening or music or words that seem to come from "space".

      Subjective Clairaudience:        
          To hear sounds "within the head", i.e., music or words or even bodily functions such as the flow of blood, bile action, etc.

CLAIREMPATHY:   (Fr.  Clear emotion)

To feel or sense the attitudes of another person or be able to tune into the vibrations of an area or object and pick up the attitudes or emotions of those who had previously been in the area or had the object in their possession.  This ability is often used in police work.  (Not to be confused with Psychometry) 

CLAIRGUSTANCE:  (Fr.   Clear-tasting)

To taste a substance or food without having the substance or food in the mouth (can indicate the presence of a guide, or of an illness).

CLAIRSCENT:  (Fr   Clear-smelling)

To smell a fragrance which is not in the area, such as food, flowers, or other substances.  Can indicate the presence of a guide or it can relate a message.  Occurs more easily when the psychic is in an Alpha State.

CLAIRSENTIENCE:  (Fr.   Clear-Sensation or feeling)  (A form of Clairvoyance)

The ability to "feel" or internalize someone else's pain or strong emotion without any other stimuli.  Also known as "gut feeling" or "inner knowing".  It is associated with the Spleen Chakra.

     Functional Clairsentience:
           A "hunch".  A sudden impulse to either do something that was not planned, or to change plans already made with no apparent cause to do so.  Many times accidents are avoided by this impulse.

      Precognitive Clairsentience:
            Receiving information regarding the future of a country or the world, weather condition, etc.  To "feel in your bones" or experience feelings of anxiety or insecurity with no apparent good reason.  A storm, earthquake, or other occurrence which would cause emotions to run high comes about and the feelings of anxiety, insecurity or anticipation pass away as soon as the event takes place.

      Cognitive Clairsentience:
            To perceive a fact that has slipped the Conscious Mind ("it was on the tip of my tongue"), after the Conscious Mind has stopped attempting to bring it forth.  It may also be a fact that comes forth, directly through the Super-Conscious Mind, by-passing the Sub-Conscience in the form of information that will complete a formula, give you the title of a book, etc

CLAIRTANGENCY:   (Fr.   Clear-touching)  See psychometry

CLAIRVOYANCE:  (FR.  Clear vision) (Clairvoyance is an umbrella term which often refers to telepathy, spiritualism, psychic research, second sight, prophetic visions and dreams)

The ability to receive objects or actions, removed in space or time from natural viewing, without the use of the physical organs.  It is associated with the perception of images and symbols and, in some instances,  scenarios are played out in their entirely.  It is associated with the Brow Chakra.   (One of the three aspects of E.S.P.)

     Clairvoyance-In-Space(Traveling, psychic cognition)
          To see psychically, those things that are presently happening beyond one's line of physical vision.
     Clairvoyance-In-Time:  (Multidimensional)
          To see, psychically, things which have happened in the past or things which have not yet happened.
     X-Ray Clairvoyance:  (Medical Clairvoyance - Stand-up Psychic)
          The ability to look into a human body and bring forth information concerning the health of that body.  (Edgar Cayce, 1877-1945) was the best known X-Ray Clairvoyant)  The ability to read billets, blindfolded, and give answers to questions asked.
     Platform Clairvoyance:  (Stand-up  Reader)
          To give mini-psychic readings from the platform at a public gathering or after a Church service.  The reader does not answer questions but goes from one person to another giving short messages to each one.  Sometimes known as the "As I Come Into Your Vibration" reader.
     Traveling Clairvoyance:  (Projection, Astral Travel)
          The ability to "travel", psychically, to another location, describe in detail the journey, the location, what is taking place, who is in attendance, etc.
     Objective Clairvoyance:  (Astral Vision)
           To see a vision outside the head (in the distance).  It can be likened to watching a movie or play.  The eyes can be open or closed.  The vision can vary from being a brief message, to seeing thought forms, guides, or giving a complete story.  This type of Clairvoyance needs to be controlled and done in a safe environment.
     Subjective Clairvoyance:  (Inner Vision)
           To see a vision inside the head (on the back of the eyelids or the back of the forehead).  The eyes can be open or closed.  These visions are usually a product of the Sub-Conscious Mind or the Guides.

DREAMS:  (Parapsychologists call dreams "the doorway to the paranormal or other realms:)

Dreams are the activity between the lower Beta and upper Alpha levels of consciousness which results in a series of pictures, visual images, or events during sleep.  The Sub-Conscious Mind has no interference from the Conscious Mind at this point.  Dreams may present themselves as brief, fragmented visions or complete stories.  They represent wishes, desires, emotions, etc., which dwell in the Sub-Conscious Mind.  Oftentimes, if a daily dream diary is maintained, a complete story, in serial form, can be read.
The dreamer can be the subject of the dream or the spectator.  The dreams can be black and white or in color.  Conversations can actually occur or be understood without words being uttered.  They can bring balance to mind and body.  They can be used to repair self-esteem.  They can bring answers or provide assistance in dealing with pressing decisions or activities.

     Dreams which are physical in origin may be caused by:
          Ill-health, digestive disturbance (that pizza you ate just before retiring), or sexual frustration.
         Your emotional state at bed-time.  (Did you go to sleep with hurt feelings, being lonely or feeling insecure or depressed?)
         Being over-warm from too many blankets or being cold from too few blankets or having left a window open.
     Dreams which are psychic in origin may be caused by:
         Telepathic communication sent from another.
          Prophetic (emotional clairvoyance).  May come from the dreamer's Sub-Conscious Mind or from an Astral entity.  The dream may be symbolic or literal, i.e., dreaming of the birth of a it symbolic of new spiritual growth or the actual birth of a child.
          Dream-makers:  The force from the Super-Conscious Mind that brings forth information which is pertinent to the growth of the individual, without the interference of the Conscious Mind.

More to follow

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mediumship Overview

Whatsoever A Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap

The study of Metaphysical Mediumship, Mental or Physical, can become a source of great satisfaction.  It all depends on you use what you learn and your motives for the study.

Mediumship is divided into two general categories:  Mental (subjective...existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought) and Physical (objective...being the object of perception of thought, belonging to the object of thought rather than to the thinking subject).

It is the cooperative sharing, between a human being and Spirit, of time, space and energy.  This sharing is brought into being to bring forth knowledge that cannot be obtained through ordinary channels.

Psychic   (Gr...psychiokos, "psyche, soul, or that which is mental")
     A Psychic uses his/her sub-conscious mind or super-conscious mind in the psychic skill.  The majority of Psychics are both a Medium and a Psychic.

Medium    ("mediator", go between)
     A Medium is a channel through which Spirit is allowed to perform a psychic skill.  Not all Mediums are psychic.

A few of the discoveries you will make once you have begun this journey are:

An open mind and an open nature are a must for the acquisition and internalization of knowledge.

Ego is important, but the ego must remain unclouded.

It is important that there is a balance in the development of the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical bodies.  This balance can be attained through a daily discipline of study, meditation, centering, exercise and proper diet.

Fear needs to be erased from the consciousness.  It is man's only enemy...fear of insecurity at some level.  Faith must be substituted for fear as fear is only inverted faith.  It is faith in negative results rather than positive ones.

Mental attitude is the cause, experience is the effect.  Feelings of insecurity come from making the externals of life (experiences) causes, when, in reality, they are the effects.

Change your mode of thought and you will change your future.  Your future is, in reality, your present made manifest.

Whatever is held in the consciousness until it becomes a part of the subjective side of thought, tends to take place in the physical world.

Never affirm inwardly anything you would not wish to experience outwardly.  Thought is a measurable force in nature and is capable of bringing about changes in human beings other than the originator of the thought.

The thought was first,
The word was spoken,
The manifestation took place.

The key to finding our answers lies within.

What goes around, comes around.

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